Trading Video: Combining Various Technical Analysis Techniques

In analysing market using Technical Analysis, various techniques are often combined to complement and support one another.
This video of the current S&P 500 market analysis shows an example of that.

Some of the analyses mentioned in the video are as follow:
* 200 Moving Average & 50 Moving Average Crossover
* Doji candlestick
* MACD Indicator
* Trendline
* PSAR (Parabolic Stop and Reverse)
* Double Top reversal pattern
* Fibonacci Retracement

(In case you need more information about the above analysis, you can click the links above to the articles in this blog that discuss further about those topics)

Other than learning the tips how to make use & combine various technical techniques to complement and support certain analysis, from this video you can also get some useful tips for your trading.

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