Previously, I have shared some free trading educational videos from trading experts. Unfortunately, now those videos are no longer available for free.
However, don�t worry! The GOOD NEWS is that there are other 4 new FREE trading educational videos from another trading experts.
One of them is even very valuable particularly for options traders!
Learn from the following 4 new trading educational videos:
1) THE ART OF MORPHING by Ron Ianieri (Duration: 90 Mins)
For option traders, Ron Ianieri is well known as the co-founder & Chief Options Strategist of The Options University.
Every position is the right position when things go exactly as planned. Unfortunately, things do not often go exactly as planned in the market. When all goes right, it is easy to make money but when things go wrong losses follow.
So, when things start to go wrong, what can you do? How can you get out of your bad position that is losing money and into the right position quickly and efficiently and get back to making money? The answer is morphing!
Morphing is the process in which the wrong position is quickly and efficiently changed to the right position by simply adding to or subtracting from the current position based on an understanding of synthetic positions.
Morphing is how the professional floor traders manage their positions to adjust to movements in stock price, time, and volatility.
So, this is the videos that an option trader shouldn�t miss!
John Murphy is the CNBC-TV�s technical analyst for many years and wrote the book �Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets� (Prentice Hall, 1986), which many technicians consider the core of their technical analysis library.
In this video, John explains how he looks at the markets using non-traditional methods. He also shares his thought process in selecting markets to trade using Sector Rotation. Watch too John's inter-market analysis in action and just how commodities can put a drag or a rocket under a stock. He then further explains the relationship between the U.S. Dollar and Gold prices.
3) FIVE NEW TOOLS FOR WINNERS by Jake Bernstein (Duration: 45 Mins)
Jake Bernstein is probably the most prolific writer and researcher of material for today's individual trader. His titles span subjects from basic technical analysis to trading psychology and seasonal price patterns.
Jake has always been willing to share his research on trading with those students of the market who diligently seek his advice. In the process of working on material for this new audience, Jake has discovered new market relationships which will be of interest to all serious traders. It is these relationships that Jake will discuss in detail in this can't miss videotape recorded at a recent futures conference.
4) MARKET WIZARDS INSIGHTS by Jack Schwager (Duration: 85 Mins)
Jack D. Schwager is well known as the author of The Complete Guide to the Futures Markets, Market Wizards, The New Market Wizards, Fundamental Analysis, and Technical Analysis.
In this video, Jack Schwager explains the traits and behavior patterns that super traders have in common, and tells you how you can develop those same winning characteristics.
This is a video that you'll find as entertaining as it is informative.
So, don�t miss this chance anymore! Watch all these four trading videos HERE.
Just click the �SIGN UP� button in that link and fill up the registration form in order to watch the videos for FREE.
Important Note (as at 9 May 09):
These videos have been available for free for quite some time already, and hence, like what has happened previously, they may not be offered for free anymore anytime soon. So, if you�re interested to learn from then, don�t delay anymore to watch it.
Update as at 22 May 09:
Effective from 18 May 09, the above videos are no longer available for free.
Sorry if you've missed this opportunity. However, I'll update you again when there are new free trading educational videos. Hope you won't miss the chance to learn from trading experts for free anymore next time.
Update as at 30 July 09:
There is a new FREE trading educational video from another trading expert.
For more info about the new trading video, read this post.
Hope you don�t miss this chance anymore! :)
Free Trading Educational Videos You Should Not Miss