Happy Valentine�s Day to all my readers!
May you have a specially sweet and memorable day today by spending it with your loved ones. :)
By the way, it�s been quite a while I didn�t provide links to many excellent educational readings out there.
Here are some of them. Check them out!
Trading Wise Words: What Is Discipline in Trading?
OptionAddict: Selecting an Option... With a Hint of Gamma
Afraid To Trade: Insights from Volume and Open Interest
Afraid To Trade: Thoughts on Frustration in Achieving Trading Success
Time Is Money: The Holy Grail Setup Explained
A Trade A Day: Flag Pattern
Chris Perruna: Trading Mistakes: Avoid at all Costs
Thomas N. Bullowski in SmartMoney: Lessons Learned After 25 Years of Trading
TraderFeed: The Best of TraderFeed: Resources for Becoming Your Own Trading Coach
Love Links