I came across a great motivational article that is related to trading on the importance of Goal Setting (Part 1 & Part 2) by Dr. John Eliot in the Weekly Newsletter of Dr. Van Tharp�s International Institute of Trading Mastery.
I truly recommend you to read the full articles.
In this post, please allow me to quote only a part of the article that I personally find very inspirational. It�s about the �Reverse Psychology For Success�.
Here they are:
In the five areas below the opposite of what we normally think may work in our favor.
Having Confidence
The best in every business are likely to strike most people as irrationally confident, but that's how they got to the top.
Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Michael Dell � they first believed in themselves, utterly, and let their belief be their guide. Sure they experienced numerous obstacles and setbacks and failures. Confidence allowed them to keep getting up and looking for ways to move forward.
Legends Never Say They're Sorry
Having a long or frequent memory for mistakes and a short or infrequent memory for successes is a guaranteed way to develop fear of failure. High achievers dwell on what they do well.
Learn from your mistakes? Of course. The road to success is full of adversity from which we can gain significant insight. The key, however, is to set aside specific, deliberate times for evaluation. Process setbacks, errors, and your performance at times when you have planned to.
The alternative is to get caught up in second-guessing, doubt, and worry whenever things look a bit gray. You excel during the tough moments by having a positive blueprint to look at � and to have a positive blueprint, you have to spend a lot of time looking at the image of success.
Where Stress Works
The so-called detriment of stress is the psychological interpretation you place on critical situations, not the stress itself. If you want to perform at your best, change the lens through which you view stress.
Put All Your Eggs in One Basket
Unlikely accomplishments are born out of single-minded purposefulness. Future superstars don't get there by keeping part of their heart in reserve.
Multitasking is merely doing a bunch of things half-heartedly all at once. Isn't the idea to perform at your utmost? If you truly want to find out what your potential is, you've got to pour everything you've got into one thing at a time and be committed to it. If you hold back, you'll never know.
And if you put all your eggs in one basket and drop the basket? Guess what: They'll make more eggs, and there are plenty of baskets to choose from.
For exceptional people, risk equals reward. The challenge of uncertainty is the fun of doing the job in the first place � and where overachievement lies.
High achievers do not look for the safest, most comfortable, or sure solution. That would not push them or their companies to grow. Growth is the key � something stockholders certainly understand. But growing requires going to new places and thinking new things � not succeeding at the new, but learning from the process regardless of outcome.
Michael Jordan, perhaps the most legendary basketball player of all time, based his entire performance philosophy on the notion: "I am a success because I have failed more times than anyone in history."
Perhaps you can find some of Michael in you!?
Reverse Psychology For Success