Links for Good Readings

Check out the following links, some readings good for our learning:

As always, Dr. Brett Steenbarger never runs out of excellent posts for our trading psychology / education. Don�t miss the following posts:
Stress, Coping, and Trading: The Role of Appraisal
The Fundamental Mistake of Trading Psychology
Trading to Win Vs. Trading to Not Lose

Also, another great article from Corey from Afraid To Trade blog. As usual, he also never runs out of excellent posts for our trading education. In this article, he suggested:
Be selective with your trade set-ups and entries. Always find a reason for why you take the trade you did. This can help you to ensure you�re taking the highest probability trades and eliminate the trading mistakes that could have been avoided if you had followed your rules or identified a clear reason for the actions you took at the time you took them.

Stock Bandit looked into different perspective in how traders vs. investors define �good� vs. �bad� market�. He has good advices at the last paragraph of the article.

Find out Dr. Bruce Hong�s rules for options trading. You will definitely learn something from it.

And from Adam�s Daily Options Report as well on �Short Options Squeeze�.

Also, the review on the recent sector performance by Bill from Vix & More.

Have a good weekend ahead!

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