Here are some good readings for you to check out:
* Corey from Afraid To Trade blog demonstrated with a simulator and some examples that �you do not have to be perfect to make a lot of money in the markets. The key is consistently letting your average wins be larger than your average losses�.
* Dr. Brett Steenbarger assembled a collection of his great articles in this post. An invaluable trading education for all traders.
* Turtle Trader compiled a number of articles on money management, an aspect of trading that is believed to be one of holy grails of trading.
* Simply Options Trader also compiled some websites for you to get Sector Rotation information.
* Kevin�s great article on what Average True Range (ATR) is and how to use it.
* Fresh Trader wrote a series of articles on understanding the Crowd Psychology of the stock market.
* Are you interested in selling puts for a take-over bids play? Adam from Daily Options Report discussed it here. But this strategy is definitely not recommended for beginners.
Have a nice weekend ahead! :)
Good Readings