Investment blogosphere lost another great bloggers. Trader X and Yaser Anwar have decided to stop blogging. While not long ago, Estocastica as well as ODA125 of Options The Easy Way left the blogosphere too.
I really feel sad and lost. I am one of those many people who have benefited from their wonderful insights they shared in their blogs.
Frankly, though I took paid courses and spent thousands bucks for trading education, I can say I actually learn much more from all the great investment / trading blogs around than what I got from the paid courses. It�s through reading the blogs, I�ve grown and improved as a trader. When I was feeling down and devastated from the trading setbacks I encountered, it�s through reading the blogs I got encouragement to stand up again, regain my confidence and move on.
I knew that blogging is not easy. But I never imagine that blogging is really that hard until I started blogging myself. Blogging does take one�s time and energy. Not only to prepare the contents. Sometimes, it took a long time just to upload pictures into the blog. Not to mention some other annoying problems when the (Blogger) system is having problem.
I can�t thank them enough for what I have been learning from all of them. They have done so much for us. But what have we done for them in return? I knew from Adam�s Daily Options Report, Abnormal Returns has written a great article about the topic. OptionPundit too shared his feeling here.
Hence, through this simple post, I�d like to thank all the great bloggers. I am truly indebted to them. For those who have left, I respect their decision and wish them all the best in their future endeavors. For those who still persevere to contribute in the blogosphere, thanks for still being there for us.
Once again, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. Deeply and sincerely. God bless you all.
Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart