Free Trading Educational Videos from Trading Gurus

Do you want to learn some trading tips & techniques from famous trading experts/gurus? Some more, it�s absolutely FREE�.. Just want to share with you few wonderful trading educational resources to grab that opportunity.There are 4 trading educational videos from trading experts/gurus' seminar/conference, which you can watch for free:1) A New Look at Exit Strategies by Charles Le BeauCharles Le Beau co-authored a book on futures trading, Computer Analysis of the Futures Market. He is registered Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) and a noted developer of trading systems.Many new traders - the majority, in fact - suffer big losses because of a lack of planning and understanding in setting up a sound exit strategy.In this 90-minutes video, Chuck Le Beau reveals the secrets to gaining bigger profits...

Trading Quotes from �The Logical Trader� by Mark B. Fisher � Part 2

Go back to Part 1.There are some more good trading quotes from the book, The Logical Trader.Hope these can give you some insights for trading psychology.Why do I like this kind of trading quotes? Because in my opinion, trading psychology plays very important part in trading success.So, enjoy!I Have No ClueIf a market is making a substantial move and traders seem to understand why, this market trend is not going to last very long.However, if the market is moving in one direction and nobody has no clue as to why, then the trend is going to be prolonged.When a market goes up or down for no apparent reason, it tends to go a lot further in that direction...

Trading Quotes from �The Logical Trader� by Mark B. Fisher - Part 1

Recently, I just read a book authored by Mark B. Fisher, The Logical Trader.Although this book is not really one of my favourites, there are some good trading quotes that I like from that book. So, I think it may be good to share them here too.Here are the trading quotes:Have A PlanIn trading, as in life, you need a plan. This plan includes not only the micro � a strategy for each and every trade you make � but also the macro � meaning why you trade, how you intend to reach that goal (your means to the desired end), and what you�ll do as an alternative if that doesn�t work out.Know what you want to accomplish, how you intend to get there, and...


The Impact of Implied Volatility (IV) on DELTAAssuming all other factors constant, when Implied Volatility increases, the time value portion of an option will increase.As a result, the delta of OTM (Out-of-The-Money) options will go up, whereas the delta of ITM (In-The-Money) options will go down.Nevertheless, the delta of ATM (At-The-Money) options will always remain at around 0.5.Why is it so?As discussed previously, IV has a very big impact on the option price. However, IV would affect only the time value component of an option's price, not on the Intrinsic Value.Therefore, when there is significant movement in Implied Volatility, ATM and OTM options will be greatly affected as compared to ITM options.However, although ATM will be significantly affected by IV movement, the delta of ATM...

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